Friday, 1 August 2014

Afrika Shox's Case Study


  1. 1) Slide: Intertextual References: Connor when you reference historical events and claims that the Americans blamed the blacks for the Vietnam War you need to back this up with concrete examples from research. If you don’t do this such claims will be deemed by the examiners as mere opinion.
    2) You’ve made some very interesting points about the Vietnam War and the position of ethnic minorities in the USA, but punctuation of sentences and comments without references to research detract.
    If you want to add to this I suggest you go through Goodwin’s 6 main points and closely reference the lyrics, action and aspects of mise-en-scene within music video. I can help you with this.

    This case study is challenging, your response indicates your willingness to start developing your basic understanding of themes and ideology in media texts.

  2. Connor could you please file your Africa Shox Case Study under G324 Research into Music Videos. You need to re-file urgently as I nearly missed it.
